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Educated Girls = Sustainable Future

Educated Girls = Sustainable Future
Refugee Ambassador hygiene education session at the Nyabiheke Refugee Camp in Rwanda. Photo courtesy of Jonathan Wallen.

 How long will it take to close
the global gender gap?

Answer: 108 years according the World Economic Forum's latest Global Gender Gap report. For Rwanda, scores for national educational attainment for men versus women show a need for improvement. So what do we do about it?  

At SHE we're working to narrow the global gender gap one girl, one woman, at a time. So far, we've made and sold over 740,000 go! pads to 55,151 girls and women so they don't have to skip class and work. We're also closing the gender gap through launching women entrepreneurs. So far, 49 women refugee ambassadors have earned income from hosting menstrual hygiene education sessions in the Nyabiheke Refugee Camp. One of our refugee ambassadors used her earnings to start a small hair accessories business for women in the camp. Our movement is about more than pads, it's an opportunity for girls and women to create a future of hope and potential. Will you invest in a more equitable world for women and girls?

Teachers Get Schooled Too

Our menstrual hygiene curriculum is making waves in Rwanda. We have a new partnership with the government of Rwanda via the Ministry of Health, which integrates our annual Menstrual Hygiene Day and menstrual hygiene curriculum into the Baho Neza national health campaign. This partnership will allow our educational content to reach more teachers and students countrywide! Hear from a few of our newly trained teachers about the importance of menstrual hygiene education:

Invest in Education Today

SHE28 by the Numbers

We're selling out like Girl Scout Cookies!

Hot Off the Press 

Have you read our recent blog posts. Stay in the loop and check out our blog 

The UN Takes Some Tips from SHE

SHE Director of Strategy, Connie Lewin, spoke on how to keep women at the center of the innovation process at the United Nations Global Science Innovation and Technology Conference. 

SHE Weighs in on Policy 

Our Health and Hygiene Manager, Ariane Dusenge, is our superSHEro. In March, Ariane spoke at a high-level national meeting at the Rwandan Parliament about the lack of health services available for youth and how SHE's work could help bridge that gap.

Can You Pass Our Quiz?

Test your knowledge of menstrual hygiene in Rwanda with our quick quiz.

Have You Seen Our go! pad in the Smithsonian?

Now through August 31st, 2019, the go! pad will be on display in the Smithsonian Design Museum's latest exhibit, Design with the 90%, at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Discovery Center. 
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