$ 0 0 Look what we've done in 2018! Your impact goes beyond the numbers... Dear <<First Name>>, We've accomplished so much this year with your support. In 2018 SHE has: Sold over 600,000 go! pads and expanded access to over 40,000 women and girls Increased the incomes of 900 rural banana farmers Reached 1 million people with our annual Menstrual Hygiene Day celebration Featured the go! pad in the Smithsonian Design Museum Launched a new Refugee Ambassador Program for refugee women and girls Your impact goes beyond the numbers. You're ensuring that girls and women are in control of their own lives. But we need your continued support to keep this momentum going. Will you invest today so we can reach 80,000 women and girls in 2019? Sincerely, Elizabeth Scharpf SHE Founder and CEO Invest in SHE Today SHE Facebook Twitter YouTube Instagram Copyright © 2017 Sustainable Health Enterprises (SHE), All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you've donated to sheinnovates.com or subscribed via our website. unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences